SEAS THE DAY is the true story of a semester at sea student’s first-hand account of being stranded at sea during the most intense time of the Covid-19 pandemic. Johnny candidly captures the fears, confusion, comradery, and, ultimately, his personal transformational growth and the rediscovery of his faith.

Johnny Vrba hails from Geneva, Illinois, and graduated summa cum laude from Arizona State University with a degree in Management and a certificate in International Business.
Some of Johnny’s talents include speaking, making a scene, and engaging in taboo conver-sations with strangers. Johnny’s greatest weaknesses are slowing down, multi-tasking, and spiders. Johnny cur-rently serves as a Catholic missionary with Saint Paul’s Outreach at the University of St. Thomas.
The World’s Hardest Puzzle (Part 4/4)
When I completed the puzzle in January 2022, I was elated I would finish the project before my goal of December. The rest of the year was spent...
The World’s Hardest Puzzle (Part 3/4)
Now that the fantasy of my book being close to done was terminated I was living in reality again and I set my sights on a new goal, Christmas 2022....
The World’s Hardest Puzzle (Part 2/4)
My mom studied English in college so I had a professional on hand at all times, but I rejected her help week after week. I'd say, “I want this to be...
The World’s Hardest Puzzle (Part 1/4)
In late March of 2020 I sat with my mom on our back porch facing our willow tree and the prairie beyond. After six days of listening sessions my mom...